The Other F Word Explained

Feminism: “The theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”

-Webster’s Dictionary

Doesn’t sound all that controversial does it?

Yet I can’t even count how many times I’ve  heard someone announce that they “Are not a feminist,” right before making a statement that is in line with the exact definition of the word.

There is something about the word “feminist,” that makes it difficult for some people to define themselves as one, even if they believe in all of the ideals the word stands for.

Feminism has become another F-word; a dirty label associated with “negative” images of man-hating, bra-burning, anti-marriage women.  There are feminists that fit that stereotype and there is nothing wrong with that. But there are also stay-at-home Mom feminists, career-driven feminists, religious feminists, atheist feminists,  conservative feminists, liberal feminists, loud feminists, reserved feminists, gay feminists,  straight feminists, female feminists and even male feminists.

This project was created to showcase all of those feminists and countless others that exist.  Every other week I will feature someone who isn’t afraid to say “I am a feminist” and share what that means to them. So check out these great feminists and if you feel motivated, join them by sharing what being a feminist means to you. Together let’s break down the stigmas and stereotypes associated with the word and remind the world that there is more than just one face of feminism.

-Laura Martin

Laura Martin is a Michigan-born, New Jersey-based  journalist, storyteller and feminist. If you are interested in sharing your story and being featured on The Other F Word, email

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